


Organizations are business entities (global sites, local sites, divisions, etc.) which use SmartSolve©. SmartSolve© allows you to define multiple Organizations if needed. 


Organization Setup Rules


User Rights

The following Rights must be assigned to a user to manage or view Organizations:




Allows administrator to Add new object, modify existing object, or delete object.



Allows user to access object to View and select.



Must be assigned to administrator along with Organization right to access the Organization object under the User Management Console.



Please see Rights Groups to assign Rights Groups to users.


Global vs. Local

Organizations can only be created from the Global Organization.


How to Create Organizations

1.     Log into the Global organization.

2.     From the Portal Page, click Smart Solutions tab > Admin and Report > Setup.

3.   Select Organization from User Management.

The Organization list displays.

4.     Select Action > Add from the main menu.

5.     Enter Code and Name of your Organization.

6.     Enter Division, Location, and Address information.

7.     Zoom and select a Parent Organization (select the GLOBAL).

8.     Click the Save button.

The new Organization has been added to the Organization list and the Detail of the Organization displays.


Please see Holiday Setup


Please see System Setup


Managing Organization Data

Organizations can only be edited from the Global Organization. If the user edits an Organization CODE or any other information, the changes apply immediately in any Open and Closed SmartSolve records and also on Reports that are later generated by an end user.


How to Edit Organizations

1.     From the Portal Page, click Smart Solutions tab > Admin and Report > Setup.

2.   Select Organization from User Management.

The Organization list appears to the right of the console.

3.     Select the check box of the Organization to edit, then select Action > Edit from the main menu.

4.     Edit any information for your Organization.

5.     Click the Save button.

All changes should now be reflected in the Organization



Holiday Setup

Holiday setup can be configured for each Local Organization or all Organizations can inherit the GLOBAL settings for Holiday Setup. Holiday Setup only needs to be configured if the Organization is using the Business Day option for Escalation Policies used in SmartSolve© Approvals, Reviews, and Tasks.


How to Set Up Holidays

1.     From the Portal Page, click Smart Solutions tab > Admin and Report > Setup.

2.     Select Organization from User Management.

The Organization list will now appear to the right of the console.

3.     Locate the Organization and enter the Organization Detail by left clicking over the Organization Code.

The Organization record displays.

4.     Select the Holiday Setup tab.

NOTE: check off the Show All check box if you want to see Holidays that have already been setup in the GLOBAL Organization which will be inherited by the Organization you are currently in. You must expand the Search options and click on the Search button to view Show All results.

5.     Select Action > Add from the main menu.

6.     Zoom and select a Date for the Holiday.

7.     Enter the Title of the Holiday.

8.     Select the Add Another option if you wish to add more Holidays.

9.     Click the Save button.

The Holiday(s) has been applied to the Organization(s).


System (Workday) Setup

System (or workday) setup can be configured for each Local Organization or all Organizations can inherit the Global settings for System Setup. This only needs to be configured if the Organization is using the Business Day option for Escalation Policies used in SmartSolve© Approvals, Reviews, and Tasks.


How to Set Up Non Business Workdays

1.     From the Portal Page, click Smart Solutions tab > Admin and Report > Setup.

2.     Select Organization from User Management.

The Organization list will now appear to the right of the console.

3.     Locate the Organization and enter the Organization Detail by left clicking over the Organization Code.

The Organization record displays.

4.     Select the Non Business Days tab.

5.     Select Action > Edit from the main menu.

6.     Check off each day of the week that will be excluded as a workday.

7.     Click the Save button.

The work days have been applied to the Organization(s).


Time Zone Setup

SmartSolve© fully supports Daylight savings time automatically. Now you log in with a unique time zone, the system converts GMT time to your local time so that the system will know what time zone you are relative to. So, if you entered a record date during +5 GMT daylight savings time and then later you look at the same record  during +4 GMT daylight savings time then it will give you the same time/day.


How to Configure Time Zones

Time Zones must be configured in the WebConfig file.  Please contact your IT system administrator to assist you with configuring time zones in SmartSolve.  Once the time zone is configured, the user can login and by default the system will automatically pick the time zone setting from the user's computer.  For example, if a user is in EST their computer is configured for EST.  Even if EST is configured in the web.config along with other time zones (i.e., PST, Australia, and Nepal) then when user from EST logs into their system the default EST will be selected.  if let's say a user from Alaska logs in and Alaska is not configured in the web.config file, then the system will pick the first Time Zone setup in the web.config.


See the sample file provided with SmartSolve© under Settings\Samples\AvailableTimeZonesExampleFile.txt


NOTE: The "key" must match the time zone in the registry, otherwise SmartSolve© will not recognize it and the user will not be able to log onto SmartSolve©.